Toggles & Accordions

Accueil / Toggles & Accordions


The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.

The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.

The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.

The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.

The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.


The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.

The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.

The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.

The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.

The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods. The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically lives. We will therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in their neighborhoods.

Formule du Jour : 22€

Mise en bouche de bienvenue



Tarte renversée aux aubergines de notre potager



Gigotin rôti de volaille fermière, sauce romaine


Fromage ou dessert du jour

Tartelette de saison au chocolat, crème vanille

Nos spécialités au choix

Les entrées:

Notre planche de charcuterie et sa grecque de légumes : 14€

Salade de chèvre chaud du Grand Réal : 12€


Les Plats:

Les pieds et paquets d'agneau à la marseillaise : 15€

Notre cabri en cuisson lente et crème d'ail : 22€

Rouelle de nos cochons fondant marinée au piment d'Espelette: 18€


Assortiment de nos fromages de chèvre


Dessert du jour